MOCA Spike 150, 2019

In honor of the 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad, MOCA rallied 1,500 runners to collectively run 15,000 miles in a cross-country relay. This project started at the Promontory Summit in Utah, where the last link of the Transcontinental Railroad was completed, to end with the 2019 TCS New York City Marathon. This project commemorated the resilience and grit of Chinese and Irish laborers who helped build the railroad but still lack such acknowledgement 150 years later. MOCA Spike 150 was an inclusive celebration of immigrants that paved the way for future generations in America.

为了纪念横贯大陆铁路建成150周年,MOCA召集了1,500名跑者,共同在全美虚拟长跑接力赛中累计跑步15,000英里。这个项目在犹他州的海角峰宣布开始,那里是当年横贯大陆铁路建成时两边铁路结成一线的地点,一直到2019年的TCS纽约马拉松终点线结束。该项目纪念了当年帮助修建铁路的华裔和爱尔兰裔铁路工人的韧性和毅力。可惜150年后,对这些工人的贡献依然缺乏认可。MOCA Spike 150是专门庆祝移民的贡献的,他们的贡献为美国将来的世世代代铺平了道路。