Shanghai Glamour-New Women 1910-40s, 2013

Shanghai Glamour: New Women 1910-40s was guest curated by Mei Mei Rado and displayed at MOCA in 2013. The show explored how Shanghai women and their archetypes were crucial to the formation of the new city’s identity. During the time period, the dress and manner of Shanghai women became emblems of the city’s modernization. The evolution of Shanghai women opened controversial discussions about the changing social and political scene as well as gender roles. The show featured outfits from the China National Silk Museum in Hangzhou and private collections from New York City. These outfits were contextualized with accessories, paper ephemera, and photographs. The show explores the many perceived archetypes popular in Shanghai at the time—the student, socialite, courtesan, movie star, artist, dancing girl, and housewife—to reconstruct the social and cultural pulses behind the many facets of Shanghai glamour.

2013年美国华人博物馆的展览“上海风华:1910-40年代的新女性”,是由客座策展人梅玫(Mei Mei Rado)策划的。这个展览探索了上海女性及其典型形象对新城市身份形成的关键影响。在那个年代,上海女性的穿着与风范成为了上海城市现代化的标志。上海女性的进步开启了关于社会政治变化与性别角色观念的争议。该展览展出了杭州中国丝绸博物馆的馆藏服装和纽约市的私人藏品。这些服装都配有配饰、印刷品和照片。此展探究了当时上海流行的许多类型,包括学生、社会名媛、妓女、电影明星、艺术家、舞女和家庭主妇,以重构各方面上海风华背后的社会和文化律动。