Tong Zhi/Comrades-Out in Asia America, 2001

Sexuality is an issue that is seldom discussed openly within the Asian community; this holds especially true in regards to homosexuality. In 2001, artist Ken Chu worked with MOCA to put on an exhibition called Tong Zhi/Comrades: Out in Asia America. For the show, Chu brought together 20 gay men of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage and recorded their stories and used those details to create posters of each participant that resembled the front page of a newspaper. Each poster was printed in editions of 100 and stacked on tables at the museum for display.

性取向是在亚裔社区中鲜少讨论的话题,尤其是同性恋方面的话题。艺术家Ken Chu在2001年与美国华人博物馆合作推出了一个展览,“同志:美洲亚裔同性恋者的现身”。在这个展览中,Chu汇集了二十个亚太裔男同性恋的故事,以报纸首页样板形式为每个参与者制作了一张个人海报。每张海报印出100份,堆叠在博物馆展桌上展出。